Terkejar2 nak update satu entry pun..huh! Finally, I made it.
Sorry yer Lana, terlambat sebulan..hehe, yg penting langsai hutang piutang..
Shall we start? ;)
The Three Names I go by
-Anyah (my younger sis xreti nak sebut angah time kecik2 dulu, dia la start sebut 'Anyah'. Lekat sampai skrang)
-Adik (panggilan manja dari parents tersayang..sbb ingatkan xde adik dah lepas tu :D haha)
-Maria (dikenali ramai..:p)
Three Jobs I have had in my life
-Tanam Anggur (xlama la...xsempat berbuah pun ;D hehe)
-Salesgirl (3 bulan jer bertahan...xlarat n xsanggup)
-Clerk cum Receptionist (not so bad..boleh la cukup2 makan)
Three Places I have lived
-Gurun, Kedah (Where I started school ;) My family was there for few years..)
-Bidor, Perak (Where we lived at haunted police quarters. I think for 2 years jugak we were there..xtahan sungguh!)
-Muar, Johor (My first boarding school. 1st time jauh from family..mmg enjoy gilos!!)
Three TV Shows that I watch
-Grey's Anatomy (menyampah betul dgn Dr.Grey aka Meredith tu..x tetap pendirian, cair sgt kat McDreamy)
-Lost (Hubs and I was so addicted dgn series ni..mmg ntah hapa2 tp kami sukaaa!!)
-Bob the Builder (temankan my son tgk..hehe, I pulak yg suka)
Three places I have been
-Beijing, China (vacation with my mom's friends in 2005)
-California, USA (accompany hubby for his business trip in 2007. My 1st Disneyland Aneheim ;))
-Scotland & England (visit my SIL and niece there..also vacation last month)
People that e-mail me regularly
-My customers
-My colleagues
-My Boss
Three of my favourite foods
-Kuih tradisional
-Masakan pedas2
Three things I would like to do
-Improving myself in cooking
-Be a WONDERFUL WIFEY to my lovely HUBS
-Be a SUPERMOM to my kids
Three friends I think will respond
-Adik @ Hani
Things I am looking forward to
-Having a baby.. (InsyaAllah Nov ni..doa for me yeah!)
-Menjejakkan kaki ke MEKAH or menunaikan fardhu HAJI
-Be debt free so I can be a HOUSEWIFEY (I am so looking forward utk jaga anak2 sendiri..)
Alhamdulillah, siap sudah my TAG ni..Thanks Lana! :D