Tuesday, January 13, 2009


Time flies so fast..he already a big boy now. He knows how to pronounce more words, count 1 to 10 and built a sentence by himself.

He loves to sing 'cicak' song now..hehe :)

"Cicak cicak di dinding, Diam diam merayap, Datang seekor nyamuk, Happ! Lalu ditangkap"

Alhamdulillah, we have him as anugerah dan amanah Allah yang tidak ternilai..


  1. haha.. indon maid, indon's nursery rhymes.. aisya pun suka lagu ni. bibik nyanyi, dia buat eksyen je

  2. that's true..mmg indon maid yg ajar pun..makbapak pun skali pandai nyanyi indon's nursery rhymes tu..haha :D


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